Tuesday 15 November 2011


This is an outfit ive been working at for a while, I hope you like it.

the lipstick looks kinda weird in this picture, not sure why. This makeup to this outfit is not supposed to look this dark.

pretty pricey, although antidote items always were...
you also have to add 16 stardollars for both blushes and 3 stardollars for the volumizing mascara all from dot.

cashmere rose blush- dot (just a little)
warm apricot blush- dot
volumizing mascara- dot
tigerlily eyeliner- dot
flame red lipstick- dot
inky teardrop (x2) - glam r us

shanghai bracelet- epiphany- (put on upper arm like a cuff)
blue diamond earrings- epiphany


waterfall ruffle dress- antidote
032c platforms- antidote
red satin beach tote- riviera


ra ra red highlightes- doree
unfortunatly i lost the picture of the outfit with highlights.

thanks for reading guys! i hope you like it!


Sunday 13 November 2011


I think they sold it. or traded it. idek. but here is them saying they'll trade my account and yeah. So this is the 'damage' this hacker did to me:

click to enlarge.
Okay, so I don't normally type in caps. so yeah :D
Um and here are some messages too:
bottom two are from the chick on my account.
and there was more. but here is a message they sent from my main (neopetsarecool) to my spare (mewtwo)
The password is changed from what is above.

But yeah i got my account back.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Emma was hacked

Hi guys, its me Emma.
My account neopetsarecool, was hacked. I was honestly stupid enough to have five people look after my account, and I know I can eliminate three of the five.
So Here are my tips to avoid getting hacked.
1. If you need someone to look after your account, make sure its someone you've been friends with on stardoll for a while.
2. Don't give out your password.
3. Say 'no' to PMOs.
So yeah, I'm hoping the hacker will eventually give me my account back, but until then I'm using my backup account MewTwo.

Friday 11 November 2011

Mini topic: Im back :)

Hey y'all. Its Ali, back from the dead. I forgot to tell you my user in previous posts so, its AlisonstarWhite. Yup. So I hear we have a new blogger, thats cool! I am sending stormsweet a friend request as we speak and hope to contact her soon.
Thats all!
Later guys,
Ali xx

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Celebrity Make up tutorials: Demi Lovato

Hiya, So today I will be giving you a make-up tutorial for Demi Lovato She's gorgeous and a amazing actress and singer.
The picture I'm basing my look after is:
so yeah hope you enjoy.

change your features to those above

Have any dark pink coloured lipstick and use lip gloss

Black eyeliner around the waterline, both types of mascara and use a dark pink eye shadow (in my case I used a luxe one) put a lighter on on top of the dark pink, add a light shimmer colour on top and add a lighter pink over that.

any light pink blush works.

And as I forgot to save the full look, just imagine it okay.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

November, ahh November

Hi guys, Emma here.
So November is finally here! Personally I have a love hate relationship with it. I love it 'cos I have a birthday, and I hate it because living in Canada it starts to get freezing. And trust me, the only cute fashion winter item I have are my bearpaws that look like uggs.

Now onto what I think of the November HB.
I truly adore them! and I can't wait to buy them! Although I'm hoping Decembers will be a bit better.

And to the Americans Happy Early thanksgiving.
