Monday 30 January 2012

Amazing Dollie #1: Sheena3oh3

Hiya guys, about three weeks ago I came across a gorgeous 'scene' medoll. Sheena3oh3 has made different colourful hairstyles for herself and they are amazing. Here is her current dollie.
as you can see it really is amazing.

on a personal note I'm finished my exams :) and my niece or nephew is due in like a week so yeah im happy (:

Thursday 19 January 2012

Gentle Sweeping Cat Eyes

I used a black eyeshadow to create this look. I originally came across it when doing a makeover on a friend. I was using the black luxe eye dust in midnight black. Its very interesting, and reccomended. I however, used the eyeshadow from dot in shadow. Here is the look:

I put several layers on this.

Good luck, and post pictures of your finished looks! Please comment and tell me what you think!


-Alison :)

Friday 13 January 2012

My Sweet Suite #2- Fashion_Queen17

I originally heard about her from a broadcast, and WOW. Amazing. My favorite room:

This is a whole new type of beach villa. Unfortunatly i could only get one part of the room because its so big. So I just chose my favorite side :)

Thats all for now!

-Alison :)

Sunday 8 January 2012

My Sweet Suite #1- CrystalsJoy2- Penthouse- Alice in Wonderland

CrystalsJoy2 has an amazing suite. Her main, CrystalsJoy, even placed 11th im MSW! Congrats to you, Crystal, keep it up!

This is my favorite room:

Penhouse- Alice in Wonderland

to do this ALL yourself, you are TALENTED.

Check out the rest of her suite too, its pretty amazing.

Thats all for now!

-Alison :)

Friday 6 January 2012

Major Trend Alert: Feather Eyeshadows/ Feather Wigs

You make these styles using stardesign jewelry, and only superstars can make them. I currently have 4 eyeshadows, one wig that i wear A LOT, and some other wigs. The eyeshadow colors are:

-Electric Pink
-Electric Blue
-and Natural

I have a picture of the eyeshadow im wearing right now, which are natural. Im also wearing my beloved wig created to look like the 6000 starpoint reward hair.

Please comment and let me know what you think! The feather eyeshadows are made to look like you have your eyes closed. They are created using a thick feather and then over lapping them with a thick black feather made to look like eyelashes. They also make ones for open eyes using just colored eyelash feathers, but in my opinion, they look too heavy/thick. Here's a picture of me far away:

I have my suite saved in this room at the moment. I think the blacks look very professional with the cat mansion:

Thats all for now!

-Alison :)

Unique diamond eyes look

This look is unique, creative, and fun! You create it using liquid liner, and being very craeful not to make the tip rounded.

I kind of messed up on the left eye. Anyway, its basically the cat eye, just shorter. I do not however recommend it if your medoll is viewed in your suite far away, because it makes your dolls eyes look too thin and far apart.

Thats all for now!
