Sunday 30 October 2011

My favourite Disney Characters inspired Stardoll Make up looks: TOP 3

Hi guys, Emma here.
So who is excited for Halloween? I know I am. Tomorrow I'm getting the stuff I need for my Misty costume after a Doctors Appointment, and I'm PRAYING that its not freezing cold like last year and that we get no snow like we had last night. ( I hate snow unless its December through March, not October or November.) Hopefully I'm going trick or treating with my best friend.
But enough of my rambling, here are my top three female disney characters. And the last picture is my Halloween dollie (:

1. Mulan
Okay Mulan is my favourite female in all the disney movies. She has to be the best example for not needing a man in your life and how females make good heros. I love her. heh. She would've been my medolls costume if I hadn't remembered last minute (today) and if I had enough stardollars left besides my measly 0. The lips are a bit off I guess but thats okay.

2. Princess Jasmine
She gets a hot homeless guy for a husband. I guess thats cool. hehe. Aladdin is my fourth favourite Disney flick. js

3. Tinkerbell
Tinkerbell is a hot chick. I don't understand why Peter Pan chose Wendy over her. And Tink is short and small like me. (although a bunch skinnier...) And she is just so adorable.

I forgot to make the lips pink but whatever (:

So this is my dollie and she is a alternative Tinkerbell, I love her. I've had dolls resembling this before, but never during the Halloween season. I think it is a cute outfit. the dress is tingling, the belt is from a tribute store. Tinkerbell wings are from last year or the year before and they were free :D and the white wings are from Otherworld.

Love, Emma
P.S We're looking for two more writers and some graphic designer people.

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